Members of the Ummah also accept Muhammad as His messenger. It has little or nothing to do with blood ties. This criterion was applied in a very peculiar way to the Jewish tribe of the banu Awf in Medina. There are different opinions as to whether the Jewish tribe was or was not part of the Islamic Ummah.
It is very enlightening to see how the Prophet provided a solution to this question. In this way, there never was a purely political, a secular Ummah, nor a plural religious community. Here we notice an important change. The Islamic Sunnah has a divine origin, it is not human law.
Every innovation introduced by Muhammad to the old Sunnah has a Divine sanction, who obeys Muhammad obeys God. All the rituals of Islam, for instance, in regard to the pilgrimage, prayers, alms and fasting, were inspired by God and passed on to Muhammad. The same applies to decisions the Prophet took with regard to the social life of the Islamic community. The Muslims were paying attention to what the Prophet said and did in relation to the life of the community.
In this way the concept of Prophetic Sunnah had to be present from the very beginnings of Islam and cannot be considered a late innovation introduced by the Islamic jurists to force the caliph, the political authority to submit the religious Law. Finally, in the transition from the pre-islamic Sayyid or Sheikh to the Caliph we notice a gradual change from one who is a primus inter pares to one who has the legitimate power to use physical force, or violence, to impose his will.
Everybody is loyal to Allah and the Muslim community! The loyal patriots and nationalists must never feel uncomfortable to belong to the Muslim nation because belonging to a major nation can never annul belonging to countries or peoples. Islam does not deny our love for our homeland or people because this comes naturally to all human beings. Human beings belong to various circles that intertwine and integrate without conflicting. The companions belonged to their peoples and tribes unabashed, we have; Salaman the Persian, Belal the Abyssinian, Suhaib the Roman and many other Qurayshis, Awsis, Khazrajis… etc.
There is no contradiction between nationalism, Islamism, Arabism and Globalism if each was put in the right context. No wonder the Muslims are one nation because their Lord is One, their messenger is one, their book is one, their prayer direction is one, their rituals are the same and their governing law the sharia is one. Belonging to the Muslim nation encompasses even the non-Muslims since they all belong to the abode of Islam as agreed by the jurists [7].
There is no meaning for brotherhood if the brother does not feel the pains and worries of his brother. He does not do him injustice nor does he abandon him. After that comes the practical application of this brotherhood at the hands of the Prophet SAWS in the incident of brotherhood between the immigrants and supporters.
They became brothers two by two. Surely, He is Mighty and Wise. The Arabs before the Muhammadan revelation practically fed on each other. They never respected ownership or blood till Islam came, united them in one and drove away this fanaticism from amongst them.
They have sufficed us from begging, shared with us all their blessings till we feared that they will harvest all the rewards. Will you provide for them and share with them your fruits? Islam is unique in creating this unity between its followers to include different spectrums of Arabs, Persians, Indians, Mongols, Chinese, Berbers, Negroes and white races sprawling all over the globe and with all their diverse interests.
No one has ever come out of this nation trying to split this link or trying to disconnect himself from it. A A group dominated by believing in the fundamental tenets of the Islamic religion or the Islamic point of reference; whether this belief takes a doctrinal meaning the Muslim or a cultural meaning the non-Muslim.
B That this group has a single awareness in everything related to this point of reference; most important of which is submitting to this point reference and respecting all its integrated and ensuing systems that govern collective and individual behaviors as embodied by Sharia.
The fate of the nation, with these three tenets, can never be seen separately from the pathway of belief or invitation to the message because every quantum leap for the nation gives a major push to belief and the process of invitation to the message in reality and the other way round. In all cases belief and invitation to the message will be the vitality and regeneration of the nation.
The Madinah Constitution: The first bud in establishing the features of the nation. This constitution that was compiled the minute the Prophet SAWS set foot in Madinah was likely the first social contract to be written ever in the history of mankind. The Muslims and the non-Muslims lived under this covenant which organized the public affairs and governed the relations between them and their neighbors.
This is a document from Muhammad, the Prophet, governing the relation between the believers from among the Qurayshites i. They form one and the same community as against the rest of men.
No believer shall oppose the client of another believer. Whosoever is rebellious, or seeks to spread injustice, enmity or sedition among the believers, the hand of every man shall be against him, even if he be a son of one of them. A believer shall not kill a believer in retaliation of an unbeliever, nor shall he help an unbeliever against a believer. Whosoever among the Jews follows us shall have help and equality; they shall not be injured nor shall any enemy be aided against them No separate peace will be made when the believers are fighting in the way of Allah The believers shall avenge the blood of one another shed in the way of Allah Whosoever kills a believer wrongfully shall be liable to retaliation; all the believers shall be against him as one man and they are bound to take action against him.
The Jews shall contribute to the cost of war with the believers so long as they are at war with a common enemy. The Jews shall maintain their own religion and the Muslims theirs.
Loyalty is a protection against treachery. The close friends of Jews are as themselves. The constitution focused on two pivotal issues in the field of governance: 1 Justice, 2 Organizing the Judiciary. This is because the Prophet SAWS realized very well the importance of these two cornerstones in any sound society.
Deal justly; that is nearer to being God-fearing It is not limited by language, race or homeland. It does not sequester the thoughts and beliefs of others but it embraces them all without any assimilation.
It is capable of enlarging or shrinking according to the number of its followers or deserters [17]. From here Islam remains to be an ongoing comprehensive invitation and the whole world remains to be its scope of action. It also stated that its terms apply on those who have signed it and those who shall follow them later and fight with them whether Muslims or non-Muslim and by this it is the first treaty in the history that acknowledges the principle of joining treaties even after they are signed [18].
This is the security that Omar gives to the people of Illia. He gives them security for themselves, their monies, their churches, their crosses, their sick and ailing, and all their peoples. He secures for them their valleys, their mountains, their outskirts and their borders.
Features of the nation the nation that accepted the message :. May Allah keep our nation intact and safe! Nasif Nassar. Musnad Ahmad, no. The International Institute for Islamic Thinking.
Yusuf Qaradawi, Maktabet Wahba, Egypt. Muslim, no. Hisham Jaafar. A good hadith according to Abu-Issa. Islamic glossary terms. Video Fatwas. Subscribe to our mail list. Home » Researches. The Nation in Heritage and History:. Adjuicature Customs New Issues. All rights reserved to Dar al-Iftaa Al-Missriyyah. It tells us the following facts: A That Adam came from the earth, so the earth is his mother and father. One Nation, Multiple Peoples: Muslims, from the Islamic perspective, are a one nation that includes multiple peoples, multiple races, languages and homelands.
Features of the nation the nation that accepted the message : It is the nation of utter monotheism: The Oneness of Allah, worshiping Him only, obeying Him only is the most prominent feature of the Islamic nation. The unity of creed is the first feature in the evolution and formation of its identity.
Singling the Prophet SAWS as the role model of the whole nation because he is the prophet, the messenger, the leaders, the teacher and the Imam Allah chose for us. If you turn away, then he is responsible for what he is charged with and you are responsible for what you are charged with. If you obey him, you will be rightly guided.
The Messenger is responsible only for delivering the message clearly. As long as you hold fast to them, you will not go astray. Anyone who deviates from it is destroyed. Those who will live long after me will witness many differences; so resort to my Sunnah and the Sunnah of my rightly guided companions and hold on tightly to them.
It is the nation that will bear witness. Allah knows and observes His servants. We have bestowed the Book on those of Our servants whom We have chosen. This is a great bounty of Allah. Its globalism!
These are: … Every Prophet used to be sent to his nation exclusively but I have been sent to all mankind. Its moderation!