Zenonia where to get combine scroll

Keep me logged in on this device. Forgot your username or password? How 2 use combine scroll? Side Quest. How do I repair items? Im a Lv 43 asassin and trying to get to the final floor in the 4th shrine but im to weak i need help leveling up? Main Quest. If you have enough, you can select the Make button and for gold it will be created.

The list of possible items to craft include refined components, direct equipment, potions and foods. Recipes can be bought from various shops or can be dropped from monsters, or even given freely at the start of certain quests with the intention that you craft that item for the NPC that gave it to you. The Equipment options are typically for equipment Sets, which will grant additional bonuses if you can equip the entire set.

Higher rarity equipment dropped from monsters usually starts at refinement 0; the equipment given from the daily free gift chest is frequently at refinement 3. The higher the refinement, the notably higher the baseline stats of the equipment will be not additional buffs. At the Blacksmith in the Refine menu, you select a higher rarity piece of equipment that is not equipped. For a Gold cost that depends on the current refinement level and equipment rarity jumping significantly at higher refinements the Blacksmith can attempt to refine the equipment.

Follow him on his new Twitch Channel! Theme by HB-Themes. To combine items, do the following: 1. Tags: android games iphone games zenonia. About DoubleDizle DoubleDizle is an avid gamer, and enjoys helping out fellow gamers with tips and tricks.

In certain places, you have to place rocks over a switch in order to advance. You have to eat to fill your Hunger gauge. You can repair items with the Repair Hammer item. You can safely pass through traps with dashing.

Movement will slow down if your bag is overloaded. You receive gold automatically when killing monsters. You can revive using the Origin of Life without being penalized. The mini map can not be used in dungeons. You can not use Teleport Scrolls or save the game during boss fights.


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