Why does twitter unfollow people automatically

Not enough to reduce confidence in the integrity of the system. The social equivalent of an untraceable poison—now take the hint and piss off out of their life. Category: Other. Tagged: gametheory , strategy , Twitter.

As interesting as this is as a theory. Some days ago Paul Calrke and I were talking about how we were sure that people who followed us on Twitter were being dropped, and he came up with the interesting observation that it may be deliberate — here is his blog post explaining this, summarised….

This has happened twice to me in the last week. Nice theory! The evidence to the contrary is overwhelming though. If you sign on to the Twitter Page for your account, on the right hand sidebar you will see it — 2 or so recommends amd you can click through to a whole list. It seems to wor….

Out of 10 random unfollows, how many reconnect? And how many reconnect repeatedly when the unfollow bug keeps hitting them? Every week I lose people I follow, every week! I have an ongoing Twitter relationship with someone that Twitter is determined to destroy except that now we laugh about it. He is a friend and a client; I have never purposely unfollowed him yet it has happened three times now.

The first time was embarrassing for both of us…for him to have to ask and for me to say it was not me. Nothing fuzzy there for me. Jennifer: if any social network would do this, it would be Facebook — they are much more of a social network than Twitter.

Twitter is much more of a microblogging system, allowing announcements that people can follow, or not, and it adds blocking as an afterthought to let people put off stalkers and other annoying people. And it always seems to be the friends I talk to a lot that I have this problem with. And if you want to find out, then I urge you to read the piece in full.

This was written 2 years ago. I still have this happen to me. The persons I follow have not blocked me at all ever to my knowledge. In fact they are reciprocating and following me.

I have not unfollowed them, but have to re-follow almost daily. I keep doing so. Not sure there is an intent to it. My theory it is all the little apps that are sometimes used in coordination with Twitter that may cause it to destabilize. I am not a tech person, so just a hunch on my part. That way you can go to your lists and still see their tweets. Also easier to see where the unfollow might be happening. Only workaround I have come up with for myself.

It causes us to give pause and question the stability of the Twitter infrastructure, usage of my personal data and social network, and what important messages I may have missed from my trusted Twitter network. So what can you do? Hopefully no relationships were damaged, and we can continue happily twitter-ing with relationships salvaged. I've been using Twitter heavily for 14 years and have experienced this only several times for sure.

While there is the possibility of being "soft blocked" I've always chalked it up to poor data integrity at Twitter's end given how I'd heard things were allegedly rigged up in the earlier days. The whole point is to hurt engagement. You've clearly followed somebody that Twitter does not approve of. Twitter claims that it takes a maximum of 48 hours to restore all the followers.


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