Why do people hate nikon

I too have been waiting for a D as a next step up the ladder. I have no interest in using my camera for video and feel Nikon could offer a stills only model and shave some dollars off the price. Nikon did, in fact, deliver a stills-only camera — the Nikon Df. It does not appear that the removal of the video feature set from the spec list had any impact on bringing the price down….

I was a Nikon user on film for 14 years then went to Canon when the Eos1 came out. I now use a 5D3. Also Active D lighting, do you need this..? Like I said, happy Camera people with Canons and confused Nikon users trying to get to grips.

This is only what I have observed. Paul, I agree with you, when to go to the essential, Canon is more evident. I did buy into Olympus — before I bought the 5D3. To small and fiddly. I have big sausage fingers Otherwise it was great to travel with, water proof and fun to use. Also to add using a big dslr does look and feel pro. Just got it and wanted a have decent compact with a big sensor.

Eric , Your article sounds right. However, I decided to move my professional gear to Panasonic and keep my Hasselblad system. Autofocus is more discriminating in low light and being able to shoot from the screen or my iPhone allows me to increase my chances of shooting.

Work in mobile video with an mm F 2. Like, I do not cover sports events, the Canon equipment is no longer justified. Yes, I hate Nikon as well Have used them since , and just purchased another new lens.

A Nikon mm f2. That gives me 16 lenses now, ranging from Nikon 8mm f2. My bodies are D3s, D3 and D2Xs. D4 card system. Out of curiosity: Is it just the use of two different card types that you have a problem with? Or, do you have something against the new XQD cards? Compact Flash seems to be the standard type of card. Holding a D would probably give me cramps.

Remember when the F4 came out? Then there was an F4S and F4E. I converted my F4S to F4E.. Still have two F5 bodies. Think there is some KR64 in them Why oh why do so many photographers assume that everyone likes and dislikes the same things as themselves? Wait … I know the answer … assuming that you have some special deep insight into what ALL photographers thing is more effective clickbait!!

I would add the very low quality of rubbers and grips. I had very bad experience with all recent Nikon cameras and lenses I bought. It should be mentioned that it is hard to understand how Nikon handles the way Wifi is working. How can develop this without using brains? The cheaper of the Nikon 50mm 1. Well, I read everything here. Switched to Nikon with D Now, with Fuji. I think this article was a good idea in principle.

I think that only number 1 stands out. Now, we have problems with the DL series, which has been postponed 1 year. However, when they do things right, they do it well. Back in the films days, Nikon was number One, way before Canon even existed.

Now, the world of photography has become extremely competitive and digitalized. The game has changed. If I could oppose two poles, I would oppose Nikon, the venerable ancestor and creator of the famous mm lens, and Sony, an electronics giant.

Every photo company is the best, including Panasonic, Fuji, and all the others. The winner is the consumer. We now have photographic tools that go far FAR beyond anything that might have been dreamt of by Jules Verne. In the end, photography is all in your eyes, in your heart. You can even satisfy your photo impulses with a smartphone. Nikon is excellent, as is Canon, Fuji, Panasonic and the others. You wanna show off buy Hasselblad or Leica.

You want a small unobtrusive camera, you have the choice. You want the best resolutuon. You have the choice. Are you sure you're looking at the right camera? I've seen you say the same thing in a lot of threads, but the A7 III p spanks most things out there. The lenses are good from sony, but dang.. I want another 2. I am not a huge fan of the Sony lens range there is some good stuff in there but as someone who uses a number of different brands I like to keep to EF because it is adaptable, but does limit the uses on a Sony.

Nikon has 10bit, but only to an external recorder and the situations your in that is going to be very awkward IMO. You also don't get Log internally either. Sony's Picture Profiles enable you to create pretty much whatever colour look you want in camera - Which is handy as well. It does seem like Canon are making you sad. Not those other brands though, they seem like they're both perfect. Not conventional focus breathing where it hunts which I see too. I used the box for the focus point while on a gimbal.

So many videos showcasing how bad the p looks on sony. It is soft, full of artifacts, lacks color depth and jitters from lower than needed bit rate.

Is "weather sealing" actually weather sealing or is it just weather resistance? There is a difference and some companies are more fast and loose with the term than others. You usually don't see sensor dust at wider apertures. Actually, focus breathing is small changes in the field of view as the lens elements move when the camera is trying to find focus your focal length changes slightly when this happens.

It creates a visual effect that looks like breathing, hence the term. It can be quite disconcerting once you notice it, so you need to try and avoid having it happen in your footage. If you have a wide depth of field the image might look like everything is in focus but you know that the lens is still hunting in spite of that because of these field of view changes.

Some lenses will do it more than others due to their particular design, so you might not see it your personal equipment setup. The Z6 is the only mirrorless fullframe I would consider buying but fullframe is so unexciting with all that medium format becoming accesible, maybe the z6mkii or a used as a walk around camera.

Oh here we go 'bro'. Clearly you're a clueless drongo and one with nothing to back up his mouth. The A99 II comes out on top. Your drongo noggins 1DX II. Find an example where the A7 III is demonstrably worse than the 'top' contenders?

It has superb colour. Nikon's colour science is just as good as Canon's, maybe even a bit better. Great dynamic range. Flat profile and now they have LOG as well. You only have to see some of the early sample videos to see how nice the skin tones are. I don't see any softness, moire, aliasing or rolling shutter issues in the sample videos.

Nikon's codec implementation is superb. Has been since the D Now it is high-bitrate 4K. A total winner. I only have one concern and that is the AF via Nikon F adapter. The native lenses are a bit boring for the price. VERY cinematic. Wait, wait, wait. Has logic totally escaped you? Some may see this as progressive. HDMI is the worse connector known to man. Back in I did not want to use a bulky recorder on the Sony A7S to get 4K, yet they think I want to use it here just to get a small incremental improvement in image quality?

HDMI is not really an uncompressed signal. It is crippled 10bit and looking at the image might not even be real I don't hate Nikon, or Olympus. Some really good qualities in both. Some things I'd like changed, but it ain't hate. If I hated it, I'd have sold it or given it away. I vote for schadenfreude is that a Scrabble word?

Seriously, who knows if any of the current camera companies will be around for the long run. But I don't think Nikon is lacking in any way well other than the Z5 which I still don't get - just discount the Z6 and release a higher end replacement and get on with it - but I digress.

There seems to be this mentality pervading our society these days and it sort of goes like this. Nikon could find a cure for cancer but these people would blame Nikon for putting doctors out of work.

That is the thought process you are dealing with. My Website. Do like I do. Just ignore it. Use your camera. Take pictures. Which none of us do. Because we hate video.

Those people like video. The internet is full of armchair CEOs, some with their own websites even, who think they know better than a company run by professionals that has been in business for the better part of a century. No, Nikon is not perfect, but if the critics were so smart they'd be running multinational corporations instead of complaining about one online.

Is implying there isn't endless negativity on the internet pretending there isn't endless negativity here? There have always been ridiculously stupid comments, misinformation, and negativity here and elsewhere. It is the nature of the beast. I agree with an earlier poster. There is an uptic in senseless posts whenever new gear is released.

Lots of arguing camera specs--my camera choice is better than yours Don't get me wrong, I'm interested in understanding the technology and where it's going. But at the end of the day, photography for me is about making photos. I am definitely not implying that these things are isolated to dpreview, or that these types of things are in any shape or form "new", but I think anyone who believes there isn't a major negativity problem on this site is kidding themselves.

I've read through some of the most innocuous, non-controversial posts here, and without fail there is some ridiculously negative, condescending, motive questioning, patronizing, person who shows up almost without fail.

Nikon makes its own optical glasses for industrial, medical and consumer use. It designs its sensors and for fab uses many leading fab houses including its rival Sony long term collaboration with rivals is common among Japanese companies and has manufacturing facilities in many countries.

It is somewhat vertically integrated. It will not quit consumer camera business in a hurry just because it is late in mirrorless cameras and its profit margin recently dropped.

I am a Canon shooter but had some Nikon cameras in the past. Although it does not mean much from business point of view original, collaborative or acquired but I would like to state that both Nikon and Canon have been using their own strengths and weaknesses to learn and survive.

Sony came into camera business by acquiring Minolta. Pentax had to be rescued first by Hoya and then by Ricoh - it has no significant presence now. It's one thing for a company to think it's ok to produce cameras; however, to actually see them being used by people is taking it a step too far.

You've all probably seen those articles of what not to do around photographers and questions you shouldn't ask. Well, the worst thing you could ever do around a real photographer is admit to using a Nikon camera. Now some of you may be thinking: what's so bad about Nikon? This may seem like a reasonable question; unfortunately, you're just part of the problem.

Only YouTubers and people that live in Australia would ever think about shooting with a Nikon camera, and even they know better. It's for this reason I and every proper photographer applaud Newton for his bravery and gumption.

Only he has had the guts and raw talent to properly paint a picturesque portrait of what Nikon truly is, an overrated potato camera. I urge you good people of the internet, show your support by watching the video linked above on repeat.

And if you're having unclean thoughts about shooting with a Nikon, here is a link that may help. Check out the Fstoppers Store for in-depth tutorials from some of the best instructors in the business.


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