You can stay in a hotel in Page, AZ. There are many to choose from and we recommend using Expedia or Priceline to find a good deal. You can also camp at a few spots here. Our favorite camping spot is at Antelope Island, where you can paddle out to this deserted island and camp right on the beach! There are no services here though so you will be roughing it. There is also a regular campground with showers, etc. Give us a call if you need more information.
Lake Powell holds up to 27 million acre-feet of water and is feet deep at the dam. That amount would cover the state of Ohio with one foot of water! The lake is miles long, and with 96 major side canyons with more small ones, it has more than 1, miles of shoreline—more than twice the length of the California coastline. Hundreds of colorful sandstone side canyons, coves, and natural wonders make Lake Powell a paradise for house boating, fishing, photography and of course paddleboarding!
It took 17 years for the Colorado River to fill it up. This transfer provided the necessary land for the dam. At the dam site, work crews founded Page, Arizona, named after John C. Page, the Commissioner of Reclamation between and The town soon became a city of service industries, catering to tourist needs and electric power generation.
The Navajos, as part of this and later agreements, waived their rights to 43, acre-feet of Colorado River water necessary for the operation of Glen Canyon Dam. In return, Page was built on leased reservation lands, money was funneled into tribal coffers, and Navajo preference in employment was promised. Today, the megawatt hydroelectric dam is operated by the Bureau of Reclamation, which sends its power to large metropolises in the West.
Problems, however, have arisen. The fluctuating water levels of the lake determined how much water would be released from the dam each year. The rising and lowering levels created intense downstream erosion, so an established amount is now turned loose annually.
A continuing problem occurs when the silt-laden water of the San Juan and Colorado rivers hits the still water of the lake, dropping its burden and filling the reservoir with sand and soil. One government report estimates that in years Lake Powell will be one big sandbox.
The Navajo Generating Station in Page creates a another problem. On May 30, , President William H. Taft designated Rainbow Bridge as a National Monument. At ' wide and standing ' above the streambed, Rainbow Bridge remains a favorite Lake Powell destination today. Eisenhower pressed a button from the White House, detonating the first powder charge.
The two diversion tunnels at Glen Canyon Dam are closed to allow Lake Powell to begin filling, which also led to the creation of Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, a popular summer destination. Lake Powell is named after Major John Wesley Powell, who charted most of the area during two expeditions in and Lake Powell reached 'full pool' - ' above sea level for the first time.
Lake Powell is arguably the most scenic lake in America, situated in some of Southern Utah's finest red-rock desert country. Call Us